11 Years of LOVE

We independently feed 20 low-income kids in Ethiopia. Feel free to write us at anytime at richter.com@gmail.com if you wish to support our work or give us ideas.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Great News !!!!

I am so plased to tell you all friends, families, generous hearts of this planet that we got two new big donations. Arwa, Benoit and Theo have adopted Elyas. So for one year Elyas will have 3 meals a day, and all the support from his new family.
Dubai Angels have donated enough money to get 01 set of uniform for 18 kids, and also 3 meals a day for 18 kids for a whole month.
Dearest Maha have donated enough money for 3 meals a day for 18 kids, all the hygienic products and something else i have not decided yet, hehe running late on my controls because I am working at Marc's school for a week.
The week after next we will start getting our kids the uniforms, but to avoid prejudice we will do 4 groups of 5 kids, starting from Ajaiba and her two sisters, Elyas and the tiny one who has a heart problem.
I will also check their vaccination records, and will take a small one who has fungus on his face to the doctor.
After we are set with the kids, i will definitely get involved with the families, to see how we can help them to establish small businesses. This is our ultimate goal, to make them independent.
I have to run, give lunch for my king, lots of love,
E com muita alegria que eu conto pra vcs todos meus amigos, familiares e coracoes generosos que nos recebemos mais duas grandes doa coes. Arwa, benoit and Theo have adopted Elyas. Entao por um ano o Alyas vai ter 3 refeicoes por dia, e todo suporte de sua nova familia.
Os anjos de Dubai doarao dinheiro suficiente pra comprar um conjunto de uniforme pra 18 criancas, e tambem 3 refeicoes por dia pra 18 criancas por um mes inteiro.
A nossa querida maha doou dinheiro suficiente pra 3 refeicoes por dia pra 18 criancas por um mes, todos os produtos de higiene e mais alguma coidsa que eu ainda nao decidi hehe eu ando meio atrasad com os meus controles por que eu estou trabalhando na escola do Marc por uma semana.
Na outra semana eu vou comecar a comprar os uniformes, mas pra evitar preconceito nos vamos comprar aos poucos, 4 grupos de 5 criancas, nos vamos comecar com a Ajaiba e as 2 irmais, o Elyas e a pequenininha que sofre do coracao.
Eu tambem vou verificar a caderneta de vacinacao, e vou levar um rapazinho ao medico pra tratar dos fungus na sua face.
Depois que nos organizarmos as criancas nos vamos nos envolver com as familias, pra ver como nos podemos ajuda-los a ter pequenos negocios. Este e o nosso maior objetivo, faze-los independentes.
Eu tenho que correr agora pra levar o almoco pro meu amor, muitos beijos

Monday, September 22, 2008

Delivery Bags/Entrega Sacolinhas

Today we gathered 18 kids at school and gave them their bags with notebooks, food, etc They were happy and some could not carry the bag properly hehe specially the little one who has a heart problem, I helped her and held her small hand. They are all so cute and adorable, but still shy hehe
Hoje nos entregamos pra 18 criancas as sacolinhas deles ocm os cadernos, comida etc. Eles ficaram felizes e alguns nao podiam carregar a sacola direito hehehe especialmente uma pequenininha que tem problema de coracao. Eu a ajudei e segurei na maozinha dela. Eles sao todos muito bonitinhos, mas ainda timidos comigo hahaha

Sunday, September 21, 2008

First Shopping/Primeiras Compras

Dear All

Just to share with you our adventure of yesterday. We spent 5 hours in the biggest open market in Africa, bargaining and shopping for the kids. We got notebooks, erasers, rulers, shapener, pencils and pens. We were extremely happy when after buying these essentials we still had 382 Birr left. With this money we were able to buy 1kg of pasta and 3 little packs of cookies for each kid. We are not giving all the stationary at once, we will give it little by little according to their needs. Hope you enjoy the pictures :)

Mom and Dad, I've used the money you donated to do this shopping! Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



So pra dividir com voces a nossa aventura de ontem. Nos ficamos 5 horas no maior mercado aberto da Africa, pechinchando e comprando os materiais escolares pras nossas criancas. Nos compramos cadernos, borrachas, reguas, apontador, lapis e canetas. Nos quase morremos de alegria quando nos vimos que depois de comprar esse material essencial nos ainda tinhamos 382 Birr de resto. Com esse dinheiro nos compramos 1kg de macarrao e 3 pacotinhos de biscoito doce pra cada crianca. Nos nao vamos entregar todos o material escolar ao mesmo tempo, nos vamos entregar aos poucos, conforme a necessidade deles. Espero que voces gostem das fotos :)

Papai e mamae, eu usei o dinheiro que voces doaram pra fazer essas compras! Obrigada !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a nice moment in my life... first time I do it, and it is a blessed feeling...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

First pics 20 kids/Primeiras fotos 20 criancas

Dear All

Today I went to the school to meet our kids. Only 15 were present, the others are still home, nobody knows exactly why, maybe because they don’t have money to pay the school fee. So, I told the director to call these 5 parents and tell them that if money is the problem, they should send the kids to school because we have enough for the school fees and books.

The kids were a little shy, and I had to use a translator to communicate with them, but they were sure happy to hear the news.

Ajaiba, the girl who was fully adopted by our friends Rosa, Moosa and Arya, is adorable and so tiny; I could feel her bones under her clothes. Her sister Zineba was smiling all the time. I met their mother. Her husband left her; she has 5 kids, 3 at this school. They live in a house made of plastic which I plan to visit soon. She is muslim and said Hamdillilah (THANK TO ALLAH) several times, thank God I know some Arabic hahahaha 5 or 6 words. She also said Inshalah (IF ALLAH WISHES) several times and I could understand that hehe

I made clear for the kids this help is for one year, and that they should work hard of their grades, and do their homework. They all agree with that (of course hehe – they are kids).

I had each of you in my heart and my mind when I met our kids today.

I ll keep you posted on more pictures and news. The school is very close to our house, and I can go there at any time to make sure the kids are eating the meals we are paying for, and also to spend time with them.




Hoje eu fui a escola encontrar com as nossas criancas. Somente 15 estavao presente, os outros ainda estao em casa, ninguem sabe exatamente porque, talvez por que eles nao tenham dinheiro pra pagar a anuidade da escola. Ai, eu falei pro diretor contatar esses pais pra falar que se dinheiro e o problema, eles devem mandar os filhos pra escola por que nos temos dinheiro sificiente pra pagar a anuidade das 20 criancas.

As criancas estavam um pouco timidas, e eu usei um tradutor pra me comunicar com eles, mas com certeza eles ficaram felizes com as boas novas.

Ajaiba, a menina que foi adotada completamente pelos nossos amigos Rosa, Moosa e Arya, e uma gracinha e tao pequenininha que eu podia sentir os ossinhos dela atraves das roupas. A irma dela, Zineba, e muito risonha. Eu conheci a mae delas. O marido os abandonou, ela tem 5 filhos, 3 meninas nessa escola. Eles moram numa casa feita com plastico que eu quero visitar em breve. Ela e muculmana e falou Hamdillilah (GRACAS A DEUS OU ALLAH) varias vezes olhando pro ceu, gracas a Deus eu sei um pouco de arabe hahahaha 5 ou 6 palavras. Ela tambem falou inshalah (SE DEUS-ALLAH QUIZER) varias vezes e eu tambem entendi isso hahaha

Eu tinha cada um de voces no meu coracao quando eu encontrei as criancas hoje.

Eu vou manter todos informados com fotos e novidades. A escola e bem pertinho da nossa casa, e eu posso ir la a qualquer hora pra ter certeza que as criancas estao comendo as refeicoes que nos estamos pagando, e tambem pra brincar com eles.


Genet is the teacher on the left, she is also my neighbor. She told me about the kids.

Ajaiba and Zineba, sweet darlings...

They WILL have food now !!! Isn't that wonderful ????

Mekdela Public School, just around the corner from where we live, and next to ICS (International Community School) where Marc works.

Sahiba was abandoned by her husband, 5 daughters.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Donations 17 Sept 2008

First I would like to thank (VERY VERY VERY MUCH) the generous hearts who are helping our 20 kids in Addis Ababa - Ethiopia.
AJAIBA ZIYAD has been fully adopetd by our friends Rosa, Moosa and Arya (You are amazing guys !!!!).
The total donations so far are U$260, or Ethiopian Birr 2,600. The birr is almost 10 for a dollar, so I ll just go round, and always do 1=10. All the number will be shown in Ethiopian Birr
What we are doing with this money:
19 kids school fee = 380,00
19 kids books = 1254,00
19 kids breakfast for 20 school days = 1140,00
The money was not enough for uniforms, but to be honest with you I don't think you have to be dressed in Prada to become a good/successful person in life. However, you do need food to be able to learn and move forward in life. The money was not enough for lunch this time, but we will keep working on that.
I will meet with some of the kids tomorrow and post pics here. If you would like to follow the growth and happiness of our kids please stop by from time to time ok ?
Love, Marc & Connie
Inicialmente eu gostaria de agradecer (MUITO MUITO MUITO !!!!!!!) todos os coracoes generosos que estao ajudando as nossas 20 criancas em Addis Ababa - Ethiopia.
AJAIBA ZIYAD foi adotada completamente por um ano pelos nossos amigos Rosa, Moosa e Arya (Voces sao demais !!!!).
As doacoes somam um total de U$260 ate o momento = Birr Ethiope 2,600. O Birr e quase 10 por cada dolar, entao eu vou sempre arredondar 1=10. Todos os numeros estao em Birr.
O que nos estamos fazendo com o dinheiro:
19 criancas taxa da escola = 380,00
19 criancas livros = 1254,00
19 criancas cafe da manha por 20 dias escolares = 1140,00
O dinheiro nao foi suficiente para uniformes, mas pra ser sincera com vcs eu nao acho que uma pessoa deva estar vestida com Prada pra ter sucesso na vida. Entretanto, voce precisa de comida pra poder aprender e progredir na vida. O dinheiro nao foi suficiente pro almoco/jantar dessa vez mas nos vamos continuar trabalhando por isso.
Eu vou na escola amanha encontrar com as criancas e vou colocar fotos aqui. Se voce quizer acompanhar o crescimento das nossas criancas da uma olhada no website de vez em quando ta ?
beijos, Marc & Connie

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dubai Speedy Angels

Dear Dubai Speedy Angels !

I am writing to thank each one of you for the donation you made last month.
As Arwa must have told you I moved to Ethiopia in August 2008 and when i
heard about these kids who did not have food to eat at school i started a
big cycle of help among our friends and family.

We provided them with uniforms, school fees, shoes, books, one art activity,
one reading activity, and breakfast and lunch the whole school year.

I never think of this work as being mine, because i could not do anything
without you. So the money you have donated will give us a good start in
september. We have around U$500 left over from last year plus your big
donation will allow us to give these 22 kids a new uniform, school fees, and
of course breakfast and dinner :)

I always send news to our donours, so if you wish to be informed of what is
happening with our kids on a regular basis junt let me know, if not Arwa is
always with us.

Also if you wish to come here and visit us, it will be a great pleasure.
Arwa'a friends are our friends !!

Thanks again and if you wish to read more about last year and see a few cute
pictures take a look at: https://sites.google.com/site/happyrichters

Thanks again,

Rainy regards from Addis Ababa...

Marc & Connie Richter

Monday, September 8, 2008

Thank you

Since we send our friends the email about our personal project with our 20 kids my mail box has been filled with caring and motivating words. I truly believe we will reach our target and have these kids fed for the school year. Once the classes start here I will spend more time with them, and learn more about their families and life history. What I know so far is that they come from extremely low income families, and many of them are raised by relatives, as they have no parents. The incidence of HIV/AIDS here is very high and there are about 3 million orphan kids in the country.

Monday, September 1, 2008



Dear friends and family,

We are adopting 20 kids between 8 and 10 years old who are so poor that they sit in front of an empty table at lunch time at their school. We are asking you to help us to provide these kids with food, exercise books, clothes and yearly school tuition.

We will personally deliver this to the school and there will be no go-betweens.

For you to have an idea:

  • Yearly tuition $2
  • A plate of food costs less than one dollar.
  • 3 meals a day – U$1.5
  • Uniform – for the whole year – U$30 (including socks, shoes and 2 uniformes)
  • Boos ( whole year) – U$7

I have attached a sheet with the names of our kids and their needs.

We accept any amount, from 50 cents to wherever you feel you can contribute. Anything will make a difference at the end.

Food is India is plentiful and we never felt the urge to help in this way. There are millions starving in Ethiopia, and we can see the food prices are so high that even we are shocked at our grocery bill. We cannot help millions, but we can help these 20 kids to have a little bit of a future.

Perhaps you can skip lunch one a week, or once a month in your neighborhood restaurant and give these kids the chance to eat some bread and butter during school time. For the teenagers: perhaps you can donate some money and give these kids one pair of socks or shoes, so they can walk to school. For the mothers: have you ever had to see your own child without a plate of food a day? For the kids: can you give money from your monthly allowance so we can buy one pencil for these kids? Families: can you cut down on prawns or asparagus during one visit to the grocery store to help these kids?

I know we are not rich, none of us, well at least the majority of us, but we have never been without food in our homes.

If you decide you can help, you do not have to tell us how much you gave, or if you gave anything. Jesus says the best charity is the one we do in silence.

The account number in Brazil is (we will collect the donations at HSBC because we do not pay fees to send the money to HSBC Dubai)

Conceicao dos Santos


Account number: 06663-92

Agency: 0141


FONE: (0XX47)3177-1600
CEP: 89201-050

The account number for outside Brazil is our account in Dubai.

Conceicao dos Santos or Marc Alan Richter

HSBC bank

Account number: 020-741302-001



P O BOX 66, Dubai, UAE

HSBC Bank Building 312/45 Al Suq Road, Bur Dubai


If you know us, you know we are not spending this money to have vacations in a beautiful island on the coast of Africa!

Once we have gathered the money we will send you the total of donations, and an explanation of what we did with the money.

Please send this email/print it to all your friends, family, office colleagues, neighbors, school mates, teachers, grandparents, uncles, brothers, sisters, and any person who can give one little coin . The more people we have helping these kids the more we can do for them here. Let’s start a big circle of help. It will definitely come back to you one day.

This is a personal request from our hearts. Thank you very much, we love you and miss you all.

Queridos amigos e familiars

Nos adotamos 20 criancas entre 8 e 10 anos de idade que sao tao pobres que sentam na frente de uma mesa vazia na hora do almoco na escola. Nos estamos pedindo que voce nos ajude a fornecer comida, livros de exercisios, roupas e taxa anual da escola pra essas criancas.

Nos vamos entregar isso (nao em dinheiro) pessoalmente na escola e nao tem nenhum intermediario entre nos e as criancas.

Para vc ter uma ideia:

  • taxa annual da escola e U$2
  • um prato de comida custa menos de um dolar.
  • 3 refeicoes por dia – U$1.5
  • Uniforme – pro ano todo – U$30 ( incluindo meias, sapatos, e dois unifomes)
  • Livros – pro ano todo – U$ 7

Eu estou anexando uma planilha com o nome das nossas criancas e as necessidades deles.

Nos aceitamos qualquer quantia, desde 50 centavos ate quanto voce achar que pode contribuir. Qualquer centavinho vai fazer a diferenca no final das contas.

A comida na India e abundante e nos nunca sentimos a necessidade de ajudar dessa forma tao intensa. Existem milhoes de pessoas passando fome na Etiopia, and nos mesmo estamos assustadissimos com o preco da comida aqui. Nos nao podemos ajudar milhoes de pessoas, mas nos podemos ajudar essas 20 criancas a ter esperanca de um pouquinho de futuro.

Talvez voce possa deixar de almocar uma vez por semana, ou uma vez por mes no restaurante perto da sua casa e proporcionar a chance dessas criancas comerem pao com manteiga durante o periodo escolar. Para os adolescents: talvez voce possa doar algum dinheiro e dar um par de meias ou um par de sapatos para essas criancas irem para a escola. Para a mamaes: voce algum dia teve que ver o seu filho sem um prato de comida na sua frente na hora do almoco? Para as criancas: voce pode doar dinheiro da sua mesada para nos comprarmos um lapis pra essas criancas ? Familias: voce pode deixar de comprar camarao ou aspargo uma vez que voce for ao supermercado pra ajudar essas criancas ?

Eu sei que nos nao somos ricos, nenhum de nos, bom pelo menos a maioria de nos, mas nos nunca tivemos que passar um dia sem comida nos nossos pratos em nossas casas.

Se voce achar que voce pode ajudar, voce nao precisa nos falar quanto depositou, ou se depositou. Jesus fala que a melhor caridade e aquela que nos fazemos em silencio.

O numero da conta no Brazil e (nos vamos coletar todas as doacoes no HSBC por que a gente nao paga taxa pra transferor o dinheiro pra dubai)

Conceicao dos Santos

Banco HSBC

Conta numero: 06663-92

Agencia 0141


FONE: (0XX47)3177-1600
CEP: 89201-050

O numero da conta fora do Brasil e a nossa conta de Dubai:

Conceicao dos Santos ou Marc Alan Richter

Banco HSBC

Numero da Conta: 020-741302-001



P O BOX 66, Dubai, UAE

HSBC Bank Building 312/45 Al Suq Road, Bur Dubai


Se voce nos conhece de verdade, voce sabe que a gente nao vai gastar esse dinheiro pra tirar ferias numa ilha bonita na costa da Africa!

Quando a gente tiver recebido todas as doacoes nos vamos enviar o total de dinheiro recebido e uma explicacao do que nos fizemos com o dinheiro.

Por favor, manda esse e-mail/imprime pra todos os seus amigos, colegas de escritorio, vizinhos, amigos de escola, professors, avos, tios e tias, irmaos, irmas, primos, amigos dos primos, e qualquer pessoa que possa doar uma moedinha. Quanto mais gente ajudar mais nos poderemos ajudar essas criancas. Vamos iniciar um grande circulo de ajuda. Isso vai certamente retornar pra voce e pra sua familia um dia.

Isso e um solicitacao pessoal vinda dos nossos coracoes. Muito obrigada, nos sentimos saudades e amamos muito cada um de voces.