We usually leave places very easily, but leaving Addis Ababa is a little different. The first most difficult part was seeing Marc suffering from high altitude sickness, and the second most difficult part was saying bye to our kids. We all cried, and it was very emotional. We gave them a simple farewell with M&Ms, chips and clothes donations. They were funny, some grabbed everything, and I had to go around sharing the items equally. They have such a great personality, and such a great attitude.
We have been supporting them for one year now, and we hope to keep at least the meals at school going for as long as possible. I am leaving around ETB 22.000,00 with my neighbor Genet who is a teacher at their school. This money is supposed to last for another 4-5 months. We are unemployed at the moment and might not be able to help as much as before, but we will do our very best to see them through another school year.
Yesterday Membere knocked on my door. Her grandmother who was her guardian passed away. Membere is very cold, probably because what happened to her in life. She doesn’t cry. She is my favorite of all, and a great kid. She played Hunter at a play at Marc’s school, and we got really close. Her mother leaves in Kuwait but does not have contact with Membere and her brother. She has one uncle and one aunt. I am waiting to see what the family decides because her grandfather is blind. I am very concerned about her and her little brother.
I also had a Garage Sale (my house looked like a constant party for 4 days) and had two friends helping sorting and packing Marc’s tools. Well… at least Marc cannot blame me when he doesn’t find that important little screw hahaha
Now, I am waiting for the shipper’s quotation, and I am absolutely ready to go. Most of our things are either packed or sorted. I got rid of loads of things as Happy Richters Flat is small.
Marc is feeling super well in sea level, and had already had two Burger Kings hehe Lucky King!
I’ll let you know when we are all together in Madeira, hopefully soon… MANY PICTURES BELOW :)
We have been supporting them for one year now, and we hope to keep at least the meals at school going for as long as possible. I am leaving around ETB 22.000,00 with my neighbor Genet who is a teacher at their school. This money is supposed to last for another 4-5 months. We are unemployed at the moment and might not be able to help as much as before, but we will do our very best to see them through another school year.
Yesterday Membere knocked on my door. Her grandmother who was her guardian passed away. Membere is very cold, probably because what happened to her in life. She doesn’t cry. She is my favorite of all, and a great kid. She played Hunter at a play at Marc’s school, and we got really close. Her mother leaves in Kuwait but does not have contact with Membere and her brother. She has one uncle and one aunt. I am waiting to see what the family decides because her grandfather is blind. I am very concerned about her and her little brother.
I also had a Garage Sale (my house looked like a constant party for 4 days) and had two friends helping sorting and packing Marc’s tools. Well… at least Marc cannot blame me when he doesn’t find that important little screw hahaha
Now, I am waiting for the shipper’s quotation, and I am absolutely ready to go. Most of our things are either packed or sorted. I got rid of loads of things as Happy Richters Flat is small.
Marc is feeling super well in sea level, and had already had two Burger Kings hehe Lucky King!
I’ll let you know when we are all together in Madeira, hopefully soon… MANY PICTURES BELOW :)
PORTUGUES Nos normalmente nos mudamos com muita facilidade mas ir embora de Addis Ababa e diferente. A primeira parte mais dificil foi ver o Marc sofrendo de doenca de alta altitude, e a segunda parte mais dificl foi a despedida das nossas criancas. Nos todos choramos e foi muito emotivo. Nos fizemos uma festinha com chocolate, salgadinhos e doacao de roupas. Eles sao engracados, alguns pegaram um monte de roupas, e eu tive que supervisionar e dividir tudo igualmente. Eles tem personalidades maravilhosas e uma otima attitude.
Nos estamos os ajudando ha um ano, and esperamos continuar pelo menos com as refeicoes na escola por o maximo tempo possivel. Eu estou deixando com a minha viziha Genet que e professor na escola mais ou menos ETB 22.000,00. Esse dinheiro deve durar por 4-5 meses. Nos estamos desempregados agora e nao poderemos ajudar tanto quanto antes, mas nos vamos fazer o possivel pra que eles terminem mais um ano escolar com a barriga cheia.
Ontem a Membere bateu na minha porta. A avo dela que era responsavel por ela faleceu. A membere e muito fria, provavelmente por tudo que ela passou na vida. Ela nao chora. Ela e a minha favorite, uma crianca excepcional. Ela representou o Hunter numa pecan a escola do Marc e nos ficamos bem proximas. A mae dela mora no Kuwait e nao tem contato com os filhos. Ela tem um tio e uma tia. Eu estou esperando par aver o que a familia vai decider por que o avo dela e cego. Eu estou muito preocupada com ela e com o irmao dela.
I also had a Garage Sale (my house looked like a constant party for 4 days) and had two friends helping sorting and packing Marc’s tools. Well… at least Marc cannot blame me when he doesn’t find that important little screw hahaha
Now, I am waiting for the shipper’s quotation, and I am absolutely ready to go. Most of our things are either packed or sorted. I got rid of loads of things as Happy Richters Flat is small. Marc is feeling super well in sea level, and had already had two Burger Kings hehe Lucky King! I’ll let you know when we are all together in our Dear Madeira, hopefully soon… Nos tambem fizemos uma Garage Sale, vendemos muita coisa e a nossa casa parecia um afesta constant por 3-4 dia. Dois amigo svieram separar e empacotar as ferramentas do Marc. Pelo menos agora ele nao vai poderme culpar quando ele nao achar aquele parafusinho pequenininho hahaha
Agora eu estou esperando a cotacao das empresas de mudanca, e estou absolutamente pronto pr air embora. Eu ja arrumei tudo em casa e e so a empresa de mudanca encostar o caminhao.
O Marc esta se sentindo super bem no nivel do mar, e ja comeu dois Burger Kings hehe Sortudinho!
Eu aviso quando nos estivermos todos juntos na nossa Madeira querida, esperamos que seja breve…
Nos estamos os ajudando ha um ano, and esperamos continuar pelo menos com as refeicoes na escola por o maximo tempo possivel. Eu estou deixando com a minha viziha Genet que e professor na escola mais ou menos ETB 22.000,00. Esse dinheiro deve durar por 4-5 meses. Nos estamos desempregados agora e nao poderemos ajudar tanto quanto antes, mas nos vamos fazer o possivel pra que eles terminem mais um ano escolar com a barriga cheia.
Ontem a Membere bateu na minha porta. A avo dela que era responsavel por ela faleceu. A membere e muito fria, provavelmente por tudo que ela passou na vida. Ela nao chora. Ela e a minha favorite, uma crianca excepcional. Ela representou o Hunter numa pecan a escola do Marc e nos ficamos bem proximas. A mae dela mora no Kuwait e nao tem contato com os filhos. Ela tem um tio e uma tia. Eu estou esperando par aver o que a familia vai decider por que o avo dela e cego. Eu estou muito preocupada com ela e com o irmao dela.
I also had a Garage Sale (my house looked like a constant party for 4 days) and had two friends helping sorting and packing Marc’s tools. Well… at least Marc cannot blame me when he doesn’t find that important little screw hahaha
Now, I am waiting for the shipper’s quotation, and I am absolutely ready to go. Most of our things are either packed or sorted. I got rid of loads of things as Happy Richters Flat is small. Marc is feeling super well in sea level, and had already had two Burger Kings hehe Lucky King! I’ll let you know when we are all together in our Dear Madeira, hopefully soon… Nos tambem fizemos uma Garage Sale, vendemos muita coisa e a nossa casa parecia um afesta constant por 3-4 dia. Dois amigo svieram separar e empacotar as ferramentas do Marc. Pelo menos agora ele nao vai poderme culpar quando ele nao achar aquele parafusinho pequenininho hahaha
Agora eu estou esperando a cotacao das empresas de mudanca, e estou absolutamente pronto pr air embora. Eu ja arrumei tudo em casa e e so a empresa de mudanca encostar o caminhao.
O Marc esta se sentindo super bem no nivel do mar, e ja comeu dois Burger Kings hehe Sortudinho!
Eu aviso quando nos estivermos todos juntos na nossa Madeira querida, esperamos que seja breve…

After Membere played Hunter in a play, they developed a very close relationship. Or should I say she developed??? hahahaha