11 Years of LOVE

We independently feed 20 low-income kids in Ethiopia. Feel free to write us at anytime at richter.com@gmail.com if you wish to support our work or give us ideas.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Gifts Delivery

The group of Yoga at ICS bought a painting from our kids. I am attaching a few pictures of Christmas gifts delivery. We had lots of fun.

We received this massive amount of clothes from Monique and I made individual packages for each of our kids. I cry very easily sinceIi started working with them. It is amazing how much love they are able to give us.

My darling Membere in blue

They all ran to the bathroom and put their new clothes on and then it was a fashion show filled with smiles hahaha

Habtamu is the silliest in town hahaha Hollywood type of guy!!

Hey I am there in the middle, they hug me so tight that I feel suffocated hahaha

More Hollywood boys.... Markus, Tekesta, Habtamu and Abdi

Monday, December 1, 2008



Dearest Sweet Donors, friends and family

Just to share good news with you! Yesterday we received a donation of 2 big boxes of clothes. God is so perfect in his work that we have exactly 14 outfits for the girls, and exactly 8 jeans and t-shirts for the boys. I had fun matching the outfits, my house looked like a store hahaha

The clothes were donated by a Addis Ababa Angel, and she liked Zineba's painting, so we are giving extra clothes for Zineba ( Ajaiba's sister), she will get cute jeans with embroided flowers, swetaers, brand new leggings, and a wonderful pink bag to take to school.

After I wash, iron and wrap the clothes I will give ti to them as Christmas Present

Thank you Addis Ababa Angel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marc & Connie Richter

Queridos doadores, amigos e familia

So pra dividir timas noticias com vcs. Ontem ns recebemos uma doacao de 2 caixas de roupas. Deus e tao perfeito em sua obra que nos temos exatamente 14 conjuntinhos pras meninas e exatamente 8 jeans e camisetas pros meninos. Eu me diverti combinando as orupinhas, e a minha casa parecia uma loja hahaha

As roupas foram doadas por um Anjo de Addis Ababa, e ela gostou da pintura da Zineba, entao nos vamos dar mais roupas pra Zineba (irma da Ajaiba), ela vai ganhar uns jeans lindos com flores bordadas, casaquinhos, camisetas, meia calca novinha, e uma bolsa cor de rosa linda pra levar pra escola.

Depois de lavar, passar e embrulhar as roupinhas eu vou dar pra eles de presente de Natal!!

Obrigada Addis Ababa Angel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marc & Connie Richter