11 Years of LOVE

We independently feed 20 low-income kids in Ethiopia. Feel free to write us at anytime at richter.com@gmail.com if you wish to support our work or give us ideas.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Jungle Book et allll

This is Markus when we first met him. I am not sure if the picture can tell you something, but when we saw him hiding behind his sleeves we felt we could be of some help.

And this is Markus now. A proud street boy, a survivor, leaving alone since he was 6 years old. No mother to hug him. No father to guide him. He is an A student, and we feel we can help much more...

Shopping for the little artists who had their canvas sold.

Elyas sister Sophia with my assistant Yatam (right)

Elyas at the doctor hehe

and showing off his cat :)

Ajaiba and her new backpack!!!

The Jungle Book Et Alllllll

So many things happened last week, I don’t even know where to start from!! Yatam and I went shopping for the 3 kids who had their paintings sold, it was lots of fun. That’s our strategy: we pretend we don’t know each other, and then I point what I want to Yatam, she goes and buys it. Other ways it is 3 times more expensive, because I am white, you know.

We got Abeba, Ajaiba and Marcus:

  • 01 backpack
  • 01 cotton sweater
  • 2 underwear
  • 3kg carrots
  • 3kg potatoes
  • 3kg flour
  • 6 packs of cookies

and for the girls cute earrings and hair bands and clips! They were very happy, but I was in such a hurry that forgot again to take pictures of them all, so attached just Ajaiba’s picture receiving her goodies.

Finally, I took Elyas to the doctor, and he does have fungus on his head, during the lab exams break we had coke and cookies and he was very happy with the adventure. We visited his house, and met his sister who runs the house in the absence of the mother who allegedly lives in Dubai (mystery…).

Two days after that, I discovered that Ajaiba also has fungus in her head, that’s why her mom told she cannot grow her hair. So, yesterday I went to the drugstore and got her the same medicine. Unfortunately, my friends didn’t have the medicine and send me to another drugstore, the way was so complicated I had to pay a guy to come with me, and I parked in the middle of the blue donkeys (taxi vans), under a bridge and prayed that the police would not see me. Everything worked out well hehe

I got our 22 kids tickets to watch The Jungle Book at ICS, Marc’s School. As I also got involved with the make up of the actors before the show, Marc took the kids at 6pm with our neighbor Genet, and I met them there after my make up work was finished.

They loved the show, although it was extremely cold. We got them popcorn, and they enjoyed seeing an western toilet for the first time. Elyas was inside the bathroom for more than 10 minutes probably figuring our what to do without water hahaha Toilet Paper is a new concept for them hahaha

The day before I had all the remaining 18 pictures hanged in the main entrance of the amphitheater and it was a success. Everyone complimented their work, and they were very proud to see it there. The Jungle Book was so cute, and I did the make up of the dancers. One girl said she will call me when she graduates in 3 years so I can do her make up hahaha

We received several donations this month, the biggest one from the Brazilian Angels. God bless your generous heart.

Cindy and Arwa have received their painting in India and Dubai, and they are happy with them.

Cindy has asked me many questions about their dreams, aspirations, etc, so I am planning to give them a questionnaire, in Amharic, asking several of these questions to learn more about their personality. It might take a while because of the translation but I think it would be interesting.

I have also attached a picture of Marcus when we first met him, notice the fear in his eyes, and now how he is much more relaxed and happy. Everybody says at school that he is very clever; maybe God will help us to send him to University? Can you imagine what a wonderful thing it would be? Let’s keep dreaming.

In the home front no shipment yet, but our garden is finally ready, it will take a couple of months for the grass to grow but we are happy with its look and good energy. Notice the bird bath in the middle of it hehe Marc’s idea. Genet is drying her red peppers, she bought 34kg of it, and it is supposed to last 3 years. It would last me a life time hahaha

I started bottling food for our trip in December and made some delicious things already like roasted green peppers and pumpkin jam hummmm We are heading South Ethiopia in December ebaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Tanta coisa aconteceu na ultima semana que eu nem sei por onde comecar!!! Eu e a Yatam fomos fazer compras pras criancas que tiveram as pinturas vendidas e foi super divertido. Essa e a nossa estrategia: nos disfarcamos que nao nos conhecemos, ai eu aponto pro que eu quero comprar disfarcadamente, e ela vai la, negocia e compra. Se eu for comprar eles cobram 3 vezes mais por que eu sou branca ne ??

Nos compramos pra Abeba, Ajaiba e Marcus:

  • 01 mochila
  • 01 moleton de algodao
  • 2 calcinhas/cueca
  • 3kg cenouras
  • 3kg batatas
  • 3kg trigo
  • 6 pacotes de biscoito

e pras meninas brincos e enfeites de cabelo! Eles ficaram super felizes, mas eu estava com tanta pressa que esqueci de lever minha maquina fotografica, entao so tem anexado uma foto da Ajaiba recebendo a mochila dela.

Finalmente eu levei o Elyas no medico, e ele tem mesmo fungo na cabeca, durante os exams de laboratorio nos tomamos coca cola e ele comeu biscoito. Ele pareceia contente com a aventura. Nos visitamos a casa dele, e conhecemos a irma Sophia que toma conta da casa na ausencia da mae que aparentemente mora em Dubai (misterio…)

Dois dias depois disso, eu descobri que a Ajaiba tambem tem fungo na cabeca, e por isso que a mae dela falou que nao pode deixar o cabelo dela crescer. Entao ontem eu fui na farmacia e comprei os mesmos remedios pra ela. Infelizmente, meus amigos farmaceuticos nao tinham o remedio e me mandaram pra outra farmacia, mas o caminho era tao complicado que eu tive que pagar uma pessoa pra me lever la. Ai eu estacionei no meio das mulas azuis (taxi vans), embaixo de uma ponte e rezei pra que os guardas nao me vissem. Tudo deu certo hehe

Eu consegui ingresso pras nossas 22 criancas pra assistir a peca de teatro O Livro da Selva na ICS, escola do Marc. Como eu tambem me envolvi em maquiar os artistas da peca, o Marc levou as criancas as 6 da tarde com a nossa vizinha Genet, e eu os encontrei la depois que o meu trabalho de maquiadora acabou.

Nos compramos pipoca pra eles, e eles adoraram entrar num banheiro de verdade pela primeira vez. O Elyas ficou no banheiro uns 10 minutos tentando descobrir como fazer sem agua pra limpar o bumbum hahahaha Papel higienico e um conceito novo pra eles.

Um dia antes eu pendurei as 18 pinturas ainda nao vendidas na entrada do amfiteatro na escola e foi um sucesso. Todo mundo elogiou o trabalho deles, e eles ficaram super orgulhosos de ver as pinturas numa escola tao chique. O Livro da Selva foi super bonitinho, e eu fiz a maquiagem nos dancarinos, Uma menina disse que vai me ligar quando ela se formar daqui ha 3 anos pra eu fazer a maquiagem dela hahahaha

Nos recebemos varias doacoes esse mes, a maior veio dos ANJOS DO BRAZIL. Deus abencoe o coracao generoso de voces.

A Cindy e a Arwa receberam as pinturas na India e em Dubai, e gostaram bastante.

A Cindy me perguntou varias coisas sobre as criancas, tipo personalidade, sonhos, aspiracoes etc, entao eu vou escrever um questionario em Arameico, perguntando varias coisas sobre a vida deles. Deve demorar um pouco por causa das traducoes, mas eu acho que vai ser interessante.

Eu anexei uma foto do Marcus no primeiro dia que nos o conhecemos, repare no olhar de medo, e agora como ele esta mais feliz e relaxado. Todos na escola falam que ele e muito sabido, ja pensou se Deus nos ajuda a mandar esse menino pra Universidade? Voce pode imaginar que maravilha que seria? Vamos sonhar !!!

Na nossa casinha: a nossa mudanca ainda nao chegou mas o nosso jardim esta pronto, vai demorar um pouquinho pra grama crescer mas nos estamos felizes com a boa energia das nossas plantas. Repare na banheira dos passarinhos no meio do jardim, foi ideia do Marc. A Genet esta secando pimento vermelha no meu quintal, ela comprou 34kg de pimenta, e disse que isso dura uns 3 anos. Pra mim durava a vida toda hahahaha

Eu comecei a fazer conservas pra nossa viagem em Dezembro e fiz umas coisas gostosas tipo pimentao verde grelhado e doce de abobora hummmm Nos vamos viajar pro Sul da Ethiopia ebaaaaaaaaaaa

It was lots of fun collecting their signatures for this live canvas !

ICS was kind enough to let us show their works of art.

They dressed up for the occasion.

and loved the popcorn !!!

Imagine the happiness of these kids seeing such a wonderful show for the first time in their lives... We take things for granted, because we are sooooo blessed.

Monday, November 10, 2008

2 paintings sold/2 pinturas vendidas



AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am so happy I must share it with you!!! We just sold 2 paintings!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Abeba's hen painting and markus very strong half black one.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Estou tao feliz que tenho que dividir isso com voces!!! Nos acabamos de vender 2 pinturas. Uma das galinhas da Abeba e a outra uma muita forte que o Maukus pintou, metade da tela e preta.


Dear All

Sorry for so many e-mails but it is the beginning of the month.

This month we spent less money for the dinner pack because last month we bought 100kg of beans and 100kg of pasta. We still have some left for next month.

We also spent less on breakfast and dinner because this month has 20 days.

We have left ETB 6857, 00 (app. U$685), which is almost enough for their food and dinner pack for December (23 days). Please find attached all the expenses so far.

From next month on I will start buying Netsanet more nutricious food, like fruits and corn flakes. Also I heard they can get free medicine for HIV/AIDS in Public Hospitals. It's difficult for me to do this part alone, I need help, translation, and my friend Genet is busy. I am trying to find someone to help me with that.

We are hoping to sell paintings, so pray for us ok?

Thank you all for such generous heart!!



Desculpem por tantos e-mails mas e inicio de mes.

Este mes nos gastamos menos no kit jantar por que mes passado nos compramos 100kg de pasta e 100kg de feijao. Ainda sobrou um pouco pro mes que vem.

Nos tambem gastamos menos com café da manha e almoco por que esse mes so tem 20 dias uteis.

Nos temos de resto ETB 6857, 00 (app. U$685), que e quase o suficiente pra comida e kit jantar pro mes de dezembro (23 dias uteis). Por favor veja anexo com todas as despesas ate agora.

A partir do mes que vem eu vou comecar a compras comidas mais nutritivas pra Netsanet, tipo frutas e cereal. Eu ouvi dizer que hospitais publicos fornecem medicacao pra AIDS gratis, mas e dificil pra mim fazer essa parte sozinha, eu preciso de traducao e a Genet e muito ocupada. Eu estou tentando achar alguem pra me ajudar com isso.

Nos estamos torcendo pra vender as pinturas, entao reza pra gente ta?

Obrigada pelo seu coracao tao generoso!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Art's Morning/Manha de Artes

Dear friends, family and sweet donors

We have had our Art’s morning today and it was much much better than what we could have dreamed of. The kids were so well behaved and so happy to be doing something different it’s hard to describe. We had several supporters:

Yared, my painting teacher, who brought his artist friends Alex and Bramah.

Tatiana, who baked the most delicious cookies for the kid’s breakfast.

Fani, ICS high school talented student

Genet, Alma, Yatam, who didn’t stop one minute cleaning, organizing, translating and making the morning a success.

Marc, my King who looked like a kid painting the wall with one little finger J

Yared started asking them to draw something on the board and after he splashed paint in a big canvas and everybody had a go at it. Ato Makbib, the school’s director, gave our kids an old room. The kitchen is very old and he thought the kids would be happier having their meals in this room. So, all the kids painted the walls, using their small cute hands and lots of good energy.

After breakfast we started with the canvases, each got the same material and they really enjoyed playing with the colors and forms.

The parents came at 1230pm to collect their dinner pack. We were though on them, first because of the vaccination card; only 4 out of 22 had their vaccination cards in hands. I put lots of pressure on them, and hopefully by next month they will have given their kids the needed vaccines, especially polio.

In their dinner pack this month we had: 1lt oil, 1kg shiro, 2kg onion, 2 kg pasta, 2 soaps, 2 kg beans.

We also talked to the parents about their grades, which are not very good so far. Let’s see if something changes by January when they get their semester grades.

Ajaiba’s mother told me that she would like to open a shop near her home. I had asked her what kind of small business she could open. We want her to raise her kids with dignity, and will help the parents as much as possible. So, on Wednesday I am going to her house with Yared, and we will visit the place for the small shop (street shop), and talk to the government to make it legal. We think she is capable of running a business; she only needs the first push.

The bad news is that our Princess, Natnesh, the tiny little girl is HIV/AIDS positive. Her mom had been hiding it, no one blames her for that, and there is nothing much we can do. Genet says after she started getting food at school she is stronger and missing almost no classes at all. This makes us happy.

The 3 artists said U$200 for each of their paints is a fair price, so we will be trying to sell them as soon as possible. That is our plan:

v 30% to reinvest in other Art’s Morning at another public school

v 10% for the student’s family (not money, either food, or something they need at the moment)

v 60% to buy food to our 22 kids and help their parents to improve their income.

You can see my favorite paintings attached, and if you would like to buy it or knows someone who would be willing to buy it please let us know ok?

We are very tired now, but it was worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’d like to describe a few of the students so you can relate their life to the painting:

  1. My name is Marcos. I have neither father nor mother. I live on the street and the people in the neighborhood feed me a little. I don’t remember where I came from. I have nothing.
  2. Abeba – My father is a beggar at St Gabriel’s Church. He is a nice man. I like him. He does what he can for the family. My sister and I are good students.
  3. Membere – I was raped by my father. He is in jail now. My mother died. My great-grandmother raises me and my brother.
  4. Ajaiba – I live in a plastic house, without water or electricity. I am a happy child. My father left my mother and my 3 sisters, but I don’t know why.
  5. Netsanet – I am smiley, quiet and sick. Today I heard my mom saying we are both HIV/AIDS positive.


Queridos amigos, familia e doadores queridos

Hoje foi a nossa manha de arte e foi muito muito melhor do que nos sonhamos. As criancas se comportaram super bem e estavam tao felizes por estarem fazendo uma coisa diferente que e dificil descrever. Nos tivemos um grande time de apoio:

Yared, meu professor de pintura, que trouxe dois amigos artistas, o Alex e o Bramah

Tatiana, que fez uns biscoitinhos deliciosos pro café da manha das criancas.

Fani, uma talentosa estudante da escola do Marc

Genet, Alma, Yatam, que nao pararam um minuto de limpar, organizarm traduzir fazendo da nossa manha um verdadeiro sucesso

Marc, meu Rei que parecia uma crianca pintando a parede so com um dedinho J

O Yared comecou pedindo pras criancas desenharem alguma coisa no quadro negro e depois ele jogou bastante tinta numa tela bem grande e todo mundo meteu o bedelho. O Ato Makbibi, o diretor da escola, forneceu uma nova sala pras nossas criancas fazerem as refeicoes. A cozinha na escola e muito velha, e foi essa nova sala que nos pintamos. As criancas pintaram as paredes, usando as suas maozinhas pequenas e muita energia positiva.

Depois do café da manha nos comecamos a pintar as telas, cada crianca recebeu a mesma quantidade de material e eles se divertiram muito brincando com as cores e formas.

Os pais vieram as 1230 pegar o kit jantar. Nos fomos bem duros com eles por causa do cartao de vacinacao. Somente 4 dos 22 trouxeram o cartao de vacinacao. Eu coloquei bastante pressao neles, e tomara que ate o proximo mes eles tenham resolvido isso, principalmente a vacina contra a polio que e tao importante.

No kit jantar esse mes tinha: 1lt de oleo, 1kg shiro, 2kg cebola, 2kg pasta, 2 sabao em pedra, 2kg feijao.

Nos tambem conversamos com os pais sobre as notas deles, que nao sao muito boas ate o momento. Vamos torcer pra que isso mude ate Janeiro quando eles recebem o resultado do semestre

A mae da Ajaiba me disse que gostaria de abrir um pequeno armazen perto da casa dela. Eu tinha perguntado que tipo de negocio ela gostaria de abrir. Nos queremos que ela crie as filhas com dignidade, e vamos ajudar os pais de todos o maximo possivel. Entao, na quarta feira eu vou na casa dela com o Yared, e nos vamos ver o local do armazen (na rua), e falar com o governo pra que o negocio seja legal. Nos achamos que ela tem capacidade pra fazer isso, e que ela so precisa do empurrao inicial.

A ma noticia e que a nossa Princessa, Natnesh, a menina bem pequenininha das fotos tem AIDS. A mae dela estava escondendo, e ninguem pode recrimina-la por isso, e nao tem muito que nos possamos fazer. A Genet falou que depois que ela comecou a ter 2 refeicoes na escola ela esta mais forte e perdendo bem menos aula. Isso nos deixa felizes.

Os 3 artistas falaram que U$200 por cada pintura e um valor justo, entao nos estamos tentando vende-las o quanto antes. Esse e o nosso plano:

v 30% reinvestir em outras manhas de arte em outras escolas publicas

v 10% pra familia do aluno que pintou o quadro (nao em dinheiro, mas comida ou alguma outra necessidade que eles tenham em casa)

v 60% pra comprar comida pras nossas criancas e ajudar os seus pais a obter independencia economica

Voce pode ver as minhas pinturas favoritas anexadas e se vc quizer comprar alguma ou souber de alguem que gostaria de comprar, por favor fala com a gente ta?

Nos estamos bem cansados agora, mas valeu muito e pena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eu gostaria de descrever alguns dos alunos para que vc relacione a pintura com a vida deles:

1. O meu nome e Marcos. Eu nao tenho pai nem mae. Eu vivo na rua e as pessoas do meu bairro me alimentam as vezes. Eu nao tenho nada.

2. Abeba – O meu pai e um mendigo na Igreja de sao Gabriel. Ele e um bom homem. Eu gusto dele. Ele faz o que pode pela nossa familia. Minha irma e eu somos boas alunas.

3. Membere – Meu pai me estuprou. Ele esta na cadeia agora. Minha mae morreu. Minha bisavo cria meu irmao e eu.

4. Ajaiba – Eu moro numa casa de plastico, sem agua ou eletricidade. Eu sou uma crianca feliz. Meu pai abandonou minha mae e minhas e irmas, mas eu nao sei porque.

5. Netsanet – Eu sou sorridente, quietinha e doente. Hoje eu ouvi minha mae dizer que nos duas temos AIDS.



Sahiba, Ajaiba and sister

Elias Dad



Markus family - Yared my painting teacher, Yatam my assistant, Marc and I.


Membere's brother and greatgrandmother.

Helping hands

Breakfast - chocolate cake and juice plus fresh cookies baked by Tati

Canvas ready to start.

Let's work!!

Painting a room

New shoes and flower socks...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Markus starts school

Yesterday I went to the shoe shop again to collect the remaining shoes. The kids loved the trip but I forgot my camera. They looked so adorable on their brand new uniform, and flower socks. They hug me all the time and sometimes suffocate me hahahaha
Marcus starts school on Monday and today Genet and I are going to get him his new uniform. He was mesmerized when I gave him the notebooks, and I pray to all Gods that he is a good student. It would make us very happy. He is shy and almost lost his voice when the director asked him questions, but he made it. He will be going home with Ajaiba and Zineba who are his neighbours. All his friends on the street and the police ask me for a shelter, home, dorm for him, but I am honest with them and say I can only help with education and food at the school.