We independently feed 20 low-income kids in Ethiopia. Feel free to write us at anytime at richter.com@gmail.com if you wish to support our work or give us ideas.
I apologize for my absence hehe But when I come back I always have great news !!! Our dear friend Camila has created a page where you can donate online for our kids. It was genius !!! Our goal is U$2500, and we have almost half already. We are all very happy and grateful. God must believe in these kids too :) http://www.gofundme.com/Mekdela-kids Genet has sent us the costs of food for school year 2012-1013 breakfast = Euro 0.0533 = U$ 0.0691 = 1.25 Ethiopian Birrlunch = Euro 0.34 = U$ 0.44 = 8 Birr
1836 Ethiopian Birr = Euro 77,74 = U$ 102 = AED 373,00 = R$ 206,00 The school has kept the same cost as the previous year which is a miracle considering the great inflation Ethiopia has gone through and also the famine in the country. It seems these kids have lots of supports and believers!!! And together we WILL send them to College so they can continue this circle of help when we have all returned to the arms of our Creator :) In light In Love, and in a very grateful mode !!! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP !! But the good news do not stop here, stay tuned... there is much more coming, Camila and Mohsen are the Angels of the year :)