11 Years of LOVE

We independently feed 20 low-income kids in Ethiopia. Feel free to write us at anytime at richter.com@gmail.com if you wish to support our work or give us ideas.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

First pics 20 kids/Primeiras fotos 20 criancas

Dear All

Today I went to the school to meet our kids. Only 15 were present, the others are still home, nobody knows exactly why, maybe because they don’t have money to pay the school fee. So, I told the director to call these 5 parents and tell them that if money is the problem, they should send the kids to school because we have enough for the school fees and books.

The kids were a little shy, and I had to use a translator to communicate with them, but they were sure happy to hear the news.

Ajaiba, the girl who was fully adopted by our friends Rosa, Moosa and Arya, is adorable and so tiny; I could feel her bones under her clothes. Her sister Zineba was smiling all the time. I met their mother. Her husband left her; she has 5 kids, 3 at this school. They live in a house made of plastic which I plan to visit soon. She is muslim and said Hamdillilah (THANK TO ALLAH) several times, thank God I know some Arabic hahahaha 5 or 6 words. She also said Inshalah (IF ALLAH WISHES) several times and I could understand that hehe

I made clear for the kids this help is for one year, and that they should work hard of their grades, and do their homework. They all agree with that (of course hehe – they are kids).

I had each of you in my heart and my mind when I met our kids today.

I ll keep you posted on more pictures and news. The school is very close to our house, and I can go there at any time to make sure the kids are eating the meals we are paying for, and also to spend time with them.




Hoje eu fui a escola encontrar com as nossas criancas. Somente 15 estavao presente, os outros ainda estao em casa, ninguem sabe exatamente porque, talvez por que eles nao tenham dinheiro pra pagar a anuidade da escola. Ai, eu falei pro diretor contatar esses pais pra falar que se dinheiro e o problema, eles devem mandar os filhos pra escola por que nos temos dinheiro sificiente pra pagar a anuidade das 20 criancas.

As criancas estavam um pouco timidas, e eu usei um tradutor pra me comunicar com eles, mas com certeza eles ficaram felizes com as boas novas.

Ajaiba, a menina que foi adotada completamente pelos nossos amigos Rosa, Moosa e Arya, e uma gracinha e tao pequenininha que eu podia sentir os ossinhos dela atraves das roupas. A irma dela, Zineba, e muito risonha. Eu conheci a mae delas. O marido os abandonou, ela tem 5 filhos, 3 meninas nessa escola. Eles moram numa casa feita com plastico que eu quero visitar em breve. Ela e muculmana e falou Hamdillilah (GRACAS A DEUS OU ALLAH) varias vezes olhando pro ceu, gracas a Deus eu sei um pouco de arabe hahahaha 5 ou 6 palavras. Ela tambem falou inshalah (SE DEUS-ALLAH QUIZER) varias vezes e eu tambem entendi isso hahaha

Eu tinha cada um de voces no meu coracao quando eu encontrei as criancas hoje.

Eu vou manter todos informados com fotos e novidades. A escola e bem pertinho da nossa casa, e eu posso ir la a qualquer hora pra ter certeza que as criancas estao comendo as refeicoes que nos estamos pagando, e tambem pra brincar com eles.


Genet is the teacher on the left, she is also my neighbor. She told me about the kids.

Ajaiba and Zineba, sweet darlings...

They WILL have food now !!! Isn't that wonderful ????

Mekdela Public School, just around the corner from where we live, and next to ICS (International Community School) where Marc works.

Sahiba was abandoned by her husband, 5 daughters.

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