11 Years of LOVE

We independently feed 20 low-income kids in Ethiopia. Feel free to write us at anytime at richter.com@gmail.com if you wish to support our work or give us ideas.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Marina's e-mail for her friends

This e-mail was send from Marina Harris to all her friends when she started working with our kids.

Dear all,

Since I have arrived in Ethiopia I have started appreciating a lot of things that I was taking for granted so far,especially coming out of Dubai.

I am sending you this e-mail as when I met the below mentioned children (not read about them in a magazine,or TV news, they actually exist) through a friend -Connie-who was looking after them till now but left the country last month, I couldn't get them out of my mind. I am thinking of sponsoring a child and in case you would like to join me (no obligation whatsoever) here is their story.
These children attend a local Ethiopian school which is located next to our house, they are the poorest of the poor there to the point where their parents can't afford to provide them with a proper meal a day and whereas everybody else takes some sort of snack with them these 22 children simply don't eat.

Our goal is to feed them breakfast, we are being very careful with whatever money is left in the kiddie-enough for 4-5 months and are now providing only lunch. My neighbor says many times they do not have any dinner at home.

For them to have breakfast we need $17 a month for each child.(and similar for lunch per month,if needed at the moment)If you would like to sponsor any specific child I will make sure the child knows of you and I will be sending their school report myself to you.I will be visiting the school from time to time to make sure the money is used correctly.This is not a life long obligation and anyone(including myself) can stop at any given moment. If you do decide you would like to go ahead with it then the best thing to do is to transfer the money to our account in Dubai and I will convert it to BIRR.

If you do decide to go ahead please advise which child you would like to sponsor , otherwise please ignore this e-mail completely.There are plenty of charity organizations here if you would like to do something later and not now.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cost of meals for our kids

Dear Donors

I have finally received the cost of meals for the kids 2009-2010:

ETB 1.60 breakfast = U$ 0.1268 = aed 0.4658

ETB 6.00 lunch = U$ 0.4756 = aed 1.7466

We will keep accepting donations in our bank accounts in Brazil, Dubai and Portugal.

I am communicating to Genet through her son. I think things will work out this way !

Thank you all for supporting our project !!! Love, Connie

Sunday, October 11, 2009

21 kids now


Dearest Donors Life has calmed down a little now. Just to let you know that I left ETB 22,000 with my neighbor for the kids This money should be enough to feed them for 4-5 months. We provided school material and paid school fees. Genet suggest we give them only lunch for now because I am not there anymore and we don't know the future of donations. ELYAS, AJAIBA, MEMBERE AND MARCUS are receiving breakfast from next week on. They have sponsors. I am still double checking the fees for breakfast and lunch, will let you now shortly, I didn t have this info when I left Addis. Let me know if you have any other question ok ? We want to keep supporting them. We want to do it for as long as possible. I had one girl, Terehas, removed from the group. It was kind of an example for the rest of them. She did very poorly at schhol, we warned her more than 5 times, we talked to the mother, etc. I talked, Marc talked, Genet talked, the director talked. I had to do it, it didn t feel right to keep feeding someone who is not interested in studying, she doesn t even do her homework. Though decision. All the bad students are aware that they must study. It is their part of the deal. Thank you all for your amazing support.

Queridos Doadores A nossa vida esta um pouco mais calma agora So pra comunicar que eu deixei ETB 22,000 com a minha vizinha pras criancas. Esse money deve ser suficiente pra alimenta-los por 4-5 meses. Nos fornecemos material escolar e pagamos as taxas da escola. A Genet sugeriu que a gente de so almoco por agora por que eu nao estou mais la e nos nao sabemos o futuro das doacoes. ELYAS, AJAIBA, MEMBERE AND MARCUS estao recebendo cafe da manha a partir dessa semana por que eles tem patrocinadores. Eu ainda estou verificando o custo do cafe da manha e do almoco, logo informo voces. Eu nao tinha essa informacao quando eu sai de Addis. Me avisa se vc tem alguma pergunta ta ? Nos queremos continuar ajudando essas criancas por o maximo tempo possivel. Uma crianca foi removida do grupo. Foi um exemplo para os outros. Ela teve resultados pessimos e nos a avisamos mais de 5 vezes, falamos com a mae e tudo. Eu falei, o Marc falou, o diretor falou, a Genet falou. Eu tive que fazer isso por que eu nao achei certo alimentar uma crianca que nao faz nem a tarefa de casa. Foi uma decisao dificil. Todos os alunos que tem notas ruins foram avisados que eles tem que estudar. E a parte deles no negocio. Muito obrigada pelo seu grande apoio

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Marina Harris and Genet Merdassa

I have mentioned that in previous posts but I would like to make it clear. Before leaving Ethiopia I searched for someone who could help Genet with the kids. Marina Harris (
http://www.MarinaHarris.com/), my painting teacher, accepted the challenge. She will liaison with Genet and school's director, she will receive our deposits in her Dubai account and exchange the money into Ethiopian Birr, and she will keep us updated on the kids' progress.

Genet Merdassa is my neighbor and a teacher at Mekdela School. She has been a teacher for the past 30 years, and is the most good hearted person I've ever met in my life. She is a big mama, and I am sure I will miss her dearly.

So our kids are in good hands. Your money is in good hands. Our big thanks to Marina and Genet, always.

If you wish to contact any of them kindly let me know and I will forward you phone number for Genet and e-mail address for Marina.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Leaving Addis Ababa

We usually leave places very easily, but leaving Addis Ababa is a little different. The first most difficult part was seeing Marc suffering from high altitude sickness, and the second most difficult part was saying bye to our kids. We all cried, and it was very emotional. We gave them a simple farewell with M&Ms, chips and clothes donations. They were funny, some grabbed everything, and I had to go around sharing the items equally. They have such a great personality, and such a great attitude.
We have been supporting them for one year now, and we hope to keep at least the meals at school going for as long as possible. I am leaving around ETB 22.000,00 with my neighbor Genet who is a teacher at their school. This money is supposed to last for another 4-5 months. We are unemployed at the moment and might not be able to help as much as before, but we will do our very best to see them through another school year.
Yesterday Membere knocked on my door. Her grandmother who was her guardian passed away. Membere is very cold, probably because what happened to her in life. She doesn’t cry. She is my favorite of all, and a great kid. She played Hunter at a play at Marc’s school, and we got really close. Her mother leaves in Kuwait but does not have contact with Membere and her brother. She has one uncle and one aunt. I am waiting to see what the family decides because her grandfather is blind. I am very concerned about her and her little brother.
I also had a Garage Sale (my house looked like a constant party for 4 days) and had two friends helping sorting and packing Marc’s tools. Well… at least Marc cannot blame me when he doesn’t find that important little screw hahaha
Now, I am waiting for the shipper’s quotation, and I am absolutely ready to go. Most of our things are either packed or sorted. I got rid of loads of things as Happy Richters Flat is small.
Marc is feeling super well in sea level, and had already had two Burger Kings hehe Lucky King!
I’ll let you know when we are all together in Madeira, hopefully soon… MANY PICTURES BELOW :)
PORTUGUES Nos normalmente nos mudamos com muita facilidade mas ir embora de Addis Ababa e diferente. A primeira parte mais dificil foi ver o Marc sofrendo de doenca de alta altitude, e a segunda parte mais dificl foi a despedida das nossas criancas. Nos todos choramos e foi muito emotivo. Nos fizemos uma festinha com chocolate, salgadinhos e doacao de roupas. Eles sao engracados, alguns pegaram um monte de roupas, e eu tive que supervisionar e dividir tudo igualmente. Eles tem personalidades maravilhosas e uma otima attitude.
Nos estamos os ajudando ha um ano, and esperamos continuar pelo menos com as refeicoes na escola por o maximo tempo possivel. Eu estou deixando com a minha viziha Genet que e professor na escola mais ou menos ETB 22.000,00. Esse dinheiro deve durar por 4-5 meses. Nos estamos desempregados agora e nao poderemos ajudar tanto quanto antes, mas nos vamos fazer o possivel pra que eles terminem mais um ano escolar com a barriga cheia.
Ontem a Membere bateu na minha porta. A avo dela que era responsavel por ela faleceu. A membere e muito fria, provavelmente por tudo que ela passou na vida. Ela nao chora. Ela e a minha favorite, uma crianca excepcional. Ela representou o Hunter numa pecan a escola do Marc e nos ficamos bem proximas. A mae dela mora no Kuwait e nao tem contato com os filhos. Ela tem um tio e uma tia. Eu estou esperando par aver o que a familia vai decider por que o avo dela e cego. Eu estou muito preocupada com ela e com o irmao dela.
I also had a Garage Sale (my house looked like a constant party for 4 days) and had two friends helping sorting and packing Marc’s tools. Well… at least Marc cannot blame me when he doesn’t find that important little screw hahaha
Now, I am waiting for the shipper’s quotation, and I am absolutely ready to go. Most of our things are either packed or sorted. I got rid of loads of things as Happy Richters Flat is small. Marc is feeling super well in sea level, and had already had two Burger Kings hehe Lucky King! I’ll let you know when we are all together in our Dear Madeira, hopefully soon… Nos tambem fizemos uma Garage Sale, vendemos muita coisa e a nossa casa parecia um afesta constant por 3-4 dia. Dois amigo svieram separar e empacotar as ferramentas do Marc. Pelo menos agora ele nao vai poderme culpar quando ele nao achar aquele parafusinho pequenininho hahaha
Agora eu estou esperando a cotacao das empresas de mudanca, e estou absolutamente pronto pr air embora. Eu ja arrumei tudo em casa e e so a empresa de mudanca encostar o caminhao.
O Marc esta se sentindo super bem no nivel do mar, e ja comeu dois Burger Kings hehe Sortudinho!
Eu aviso quando nos estivermos todos juntos na nossa Madeira querida, esperamos que seja breve…

Membere, an artist hehe

hummmm new clothes..

run !!!!!!!! clothes donation

kids in our home

Kids and Connie

After Membere played Hunter in a play, they developed a very close relationship. Or should I say she developed??? hahahaha

Wild Boys !!

Sweet Girls :)

My forever Princess, HIV Positive

Meskerem, what a sweet heart... and a great student !


Keleme - father is a beggar/pai e mendigo


Hiwot !!


Abeba - a flower...

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Miracles of "our" hearts

I AM SO HAPPY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am doing now the debits and credits of our dear Mekdela kids. And I am amazed by the number I got !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With the generous donations of Dubai Speed Angels, my dear aunt, and the continuous donations of my parents and ourselves during June, July and August we have the amount of ETB 20,000.00 to start the school year in September, actually we will have ETB 22,680.00 by beginning of September only counting on my parents and our next donations.
ETB 20,000.00 = Euros 1115 = U$ 1595 = AED 5860
It means this money will be enough to feed our kids for almost 5 months. I am saying almost because in the beginning of the school year we also donate school fee, uniforms, notebooks, and school supplies.
Thank you to every one of you that keeps thinking of our kids. It's been wonderful!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mekdela & Brownies

12 Brownies from ICS invited our kids for an hour of exchange. The brownies were excellent and thought them English and English songs. It was one of the most beautiful exchanges I ve ever witnesses. The privileged teaching the underprivileged.

They also donated loads of books to our kids, which I ve divided. Some to Mekdela School, one for each of ou kids, and a couple that I saved at home for their future English classes

I let them have fun before the class!!!

Haimanot darling...

The whole group holding hands

My princesses...

Elyas, Abdi and Malkamu


Abeba = Flower

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ms Puppy

Well well well, I wrote a book for kids telling the story of a street dog we adopted in India, if you are our friend you sure know Ms Puppy and our love for her.
ICS needed an original play, I offered my story and it worked out. 5 of our kids from Mekdela joined the play making it even more meaningful to us. I ended up being myself, The Queen hahaha and Nora did a great job as Ms Puppy. Hunter was played by Membere, between us, one of my favorites...
Hope now I have more time to keep this website updated :)
Love, Connie

Ms Puppy Cast
Nora - Ms Puppy
ICS Student - King
Connie - Queen
Membere - HUnter
Hiwot - street dog
Habtamu - street dog
Meskeren - Vet
Tekesta - street dog

Ms Puppy Jump !!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17

The play I wrote, directed and acted at ICS was a success, the 5 Mekdela kids we had in the play did a great job , specially Membere who played Hunter. She has so cute.. They drove me mad during reheaseal, they wanted everything, asked for everything, and were always hungry haha at the end i brought ots of sandwiches, popcorn, sweets hahaha it was fun

Marc was super supportive, and brought the other 18 kids to watch us, lots of work I tell you, tomorrow I am going to Mekdela to give them Easter presents (better late than never hahaha), we got a new donation of clothes and more money from the yoga group.

Friday, February 20, 2009

News Pics

I finally made it !!!!! Elyas Christmas presents and Membere's gift . They were speechless and very happy !! Markus also got 2 t-shirts I had at home. He has no home but is very clean and very neat hehe Running to go to work !!!!!!!!!

Membere's clothes. She got them because her painting was sold

I often go to Mekdela School to check on their breakfast and end up having some tea. Alma is wonderful and very warm towards me and the kids. We pay her as she makes very little money as a school cook.

Elyas brand new clothes - Arwa's Christmas Gift.

Elyas having breakfast

So cute...

I delivered his clothes in front of others. I cannot hide he has a generous sponsor.

Alaiba is growing, becoming a beautiful girl. She covers her head because of fungus.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Good News !

A very quick update because I am at work hehe 5 of our kids will be participating in a play at Marc's School - ICS. From March on our 22 kids will have musical classes with a teacher from ICS. In march we will provide our 22 kids with a morning arts with watercolor.
We don't have much money left, only for food for February and March, but we trust we are doing our very best for these kids. We will get their grades next week, and together with the director and teacher will plan tutoring classes and any other help they might need.
Please, tell you friends, family and neighbors, that if they wish to help someone , we have 22 kids who really need help !

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Grades Kids Jan 09

Dear Donours and friends, finally we got the grades of our dear kids, some did well, some did bad. The ones who did well will get a nice pen as a gift :)
Queridos doadores e amigos, finalmente nos recebemos as notas das nossas criancas, alguns se deram bem, alguns se deram mal mas os que tiraram mais de 7 vao gahar uma caneta bonita :)

Name/Nome Jan-09

Grade Rank
Enatnesh 63.2 35/40
Habtamu 57.8 38/40
Meskerem 86.8 11 of 34
Zineba 75.8 21/37
Leykun 55 34/36
Keleme 85.4 6 of 48
Emane 82.6 12 of 43
Hamanof 56.6 42/48
Abdi 75.2 19/43
Derege 70 25/46
Terehas 51.8 43/43
Hiwot 79.2 14/46
Sewayitu 82.6 12 of 45
Mehret 52.8 35/35
Ajaiba 68.6 27/41
Elyas 71.6 18/35
Netsanet 56.8 35/36
Abeba 89.6 2 of 48
Melkamu 69.4 21/35
Tekesta 60 28/35
Membere 56.8 30/33
Marcus 75.4 20/36

Our Dear Kids/Nossas Criancas Queridas

Dear Sweet Donors
Just a little uptade on our kids. And when I say "our" it means they are yours too :)
Unfortunately we had to cancel the dinner pack from now on, it represented an expense of almost ETB 3000 a month and we could not afford it anymore. The parents were very comprehensive about it, and agreed with us that our priority must be to feed the kids at school. But I really feel bad, because I know that dinner pack was making a difference in their lives. Maybe things will change in the future.
The good news is that we have at the moment ETB 13, 132, and adding the monthly constant donations (ETB 2220 per month), WE WILL BE ABLE TO MAKE IT UNTIL THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy because this was our inital goal, to feed them for this school year, and with your help we are going to make it !!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!!!
Ah ! This included dinner for Marcus as he doesn't have a family to rely on. Also ETB 120 a month for Almas, who is the cook at Mekdela School and helps us with much love.
ICS, the school where Marc teaches, agreed to include 4 of our kids in a theater play. My greatest surprise is Membere. I think she is not only talented for painting but also for acting hahaha You all know Membere story and it is a great happiness to be able to add something to her life. She will get, in form of food and clothes, 10% from the Yoga Group donation as they have just picked her painting.
Arwa, my darling, I still have Elyas Christmas money, and Genet and I finally decided we are getting him clothes. I checked for bycicles, but everybody was against it. They said it would get stollen. So tomorrow, no later than tomorrow, I am going to get the little guy some funky clothes, and in the same trip will get Membere a backpack and some clothes as well. I love going shopping for them hahaha
We will make it this year. Great job everybody, God bless you and give you double, triple of what you have given our kids.
Marc & Connie Richter
Queridos doadores queridos...
So uma notinha rapida sobre as nossas criancas, e quando eu digo nossas criancas eu quero dizer que elas sao de voces tambem :)
Infelizmente nos itvemos que cancelar o kit jantar esse mes, isso representava um gasto de quase ETB 3000 por mes, and nos nao podiamos arcar com esse gasto. Os pais foram muito compreensivos sobre isso, e concordaram com a gente que a prioridade e alimentar as criancas na escola. Mas eu me sinto super mal por que eu sei que aquela comida estav fazendo um agrande diferenca na vida deles. mas talvez no futuro a gente consiga retomar essa parte do nosso projeto.
As boas noticias sao que no momento nos temos ETB 13, 132 em caixa, e adicionando as doacoes mensais que sao constantes (ETB 2220), NOS VAMOS CONSEGUIR ATINGIR O NOSSO OBJETIVO INICIAL QUE E DE ALIMENTAR AS CRIANCAS POR UM ANO ESCOLAR INTEIRINHO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eu estou super feliz e gostaria de dizer a cada um de voces; OBRIGADA OBRIGADA OBRIGADA !!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah ! Isso inclui jantar pro Marcus por que ele nao tem uma familia. Tambem ETB 120 po rmes pra Almas, que e a cozinheira da escola e ajuda todos nos com muito amor. Ela manda uma lancheira de jantar pro Marcus todo dia e nao mede esforcos pra proteger as nossas criancas.
ICS, a escola que o Marc trabalha, concordou em incluir 4 das nossas criancas numa peca teatral. A minha maior surpresa e a membere. Eu acho que ela nao e somente talentosa pra pintura mas tambem como atora hahahaha Voces todos conhecem a estoria da Membere e a uma grande alegria adicionar alguma coisa boa na vida dela. Ela vaipas, 10% da doacao do grupo de yoga por que ele sescolheram a pintura dela.
Arwa, querida, eu ainda tenho o dinheiro de Natal do Elyas e eu e a genete finalmente deicidimos que nos vamos ocmprar roupas pra ele. Eu andei olhando bicicletas mas todo mundo foi contra por que falaram que iam acabar roubando. Entao, amanha, amanha de certeza eu vou comprar umas roupinhas lindas pra ele e tambem pra Membere. Eu adoro fazer comprinhas pra eles hehe
Nos vamos conseguir esse ano. deus os abencoe e vos de em dobro, triplo o que voces doaram pras nossas criancas.
Muitos beijos
Marc & Connie Richter

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year New Donations !!

Happy New Year to everyone. I am being really bad with our dear website, but the internet here was very bad, and then we traveled and then..... I am happy I finally have sometime to share with you.
I visited our kids twice this year. The first time Marcus was playing soccer, Genet told me he spends his weekends at the school playing and watching games. I told his teacher that if he needs anything to help his soccer passion I will be glad to help.
Yesterday I had breakfast with them, and it is so nice to be hugged and kissed by those little souls. End of January we will get their marks, let's see who are the ones to be rewarded hehe
We got a very spontaneous donations yesterday from a friend who lives in Tazakistan. oh My.... not sure where she is hehehe Thank you Kate, and I hope you are having a safe trip back home.
Sami was also finally able to contact our friend who is in the US, and she will bring us his donation. Thank you Sami and all USA Angels !!!! God bless you.
This weekend I will make our accounting and see how things are going, I think we are ok until March, but I ll let you know.